Hi, I’m Michael Stahl
Wow… Lots of pressure. Where to start? I was born, I lived, I died? “Whether I shall be the hero of my own life, or not, these pages must show” To paraphrase (or bastardize) what Dickens so astutely wrote. And the current best practice is third person, no less.
Michael Stahl is not one for self-promotion or flagellation, for that matter, but onward we go.
Originally from Upper Michigan and spending formative years in the high desert of the southwest, Michael Stahl was always the creative sort. Attempts in many forms of artwork to stories to the early years of performance art/interpretive movement his family won’t let him live down.
Willing to take chances, but with a good work ethic, he joined the military not long after graduating high school and tiring of what seemed like floating through life. After four years, instead of reenlisting with Uncle Sam, he pursued a dream from childhood. The next twenty-plus years he spent as a firefighter, runner and workout enthusiast (as he always had been). A pilot, father, divorcee, college student, traveler/adventurer and artist. Although he left performance art with those worthy practitioners of it. Now, also a retiree and on to another dream that coalesced over the years, a writer.
Writing about everyday experiences or what has occurred throughout his life, Michael Stahl paints a colorful picture of everyday life and experience in black and white words. Using humor and a refillable glass, instead of the half-full mindset. Michael has worked to put the story he’s had in his head onto a much more reliable hard drive. This book is the reason for the travels he writes about here. Gaining character perspective through his adventures and sharing it.
Right now, you might find him or one of his calling cards anywhere in the world, computer in his lap. Writing the book he always wanted to read. The next adventure soon to come. Stay tuned the site will grow and more is sure to come about the book. Sign up for the newsletter and read along as it happens. He’d enjoy your company, comments and interactions along the way, wherever and whatever the future brings.
This about me page along with the blog is a work in progress, watch for updates and additions.