
Tell Us Where You Found a Sumday Project Card

A photo of the Sumday Project Logo which is a stylized scarab, on a card.

When the project was in its infancy I struggled with how to get it out there for the world to see. I came up with what I call a “Gorilla Marketing Campaign.” I had cards made with our logo and a simple QR code on the back. I would send these to people who would be willing to put them in places, or give them to people who would enjoy what I was doing, pass them on to others or put them in spots they choose .No bathroom walls though, this isn’t an “867-5309” type of endeavor. I’ve strategically placed some and spur of the moment placed others in book shops, windows, and the hands of those I’ve been lucky enough to meet.

The reason behind the campaign is to grow a readership and a follower base. To get a book published is a tough task. It’s much more than just putting pen to paper and spinning out a good story. I have written the first of what will be many. I’m toting the manuscript around the world, plugging away on rewrites and edits. That’s what my travels have been for. Gaining perspective traveling the path(s) of my characters, blogging about it as I go.

So. Sign up and follow along. There will be more information about the book itself and the work it takes to get it done (both good and bad), links and other social media as well. If you’re an author I’d love to hear from you. Maybe you need a listening ear, just as I do at times.

If you find a card, tell me where! Share your experience about when you found it, using either the description box in the map, or down below in the comments.

Can’t wait to hear from you!

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  • Sam north
    May 12, 2024 at 8:03 am

    Found the card in my bed Sunday morning no idea how it got there

  • Sam north
    May 12, 2024 at 8:03 am

    Found the card in my bed Sunday morning no idea how it got there


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